Year 2 Leaders

Year 2 are happy to announce that their Eco Leaders for the 2013-14 school year are Raffy and Amber. They will be working with Mrs Fazzone to make the school (and the local area!) more eco-friendly. We look forward to seeing what the Eco Team comes up with!


We also had our Student Voice speeches and elections through our SMSC slots this week. We are pleased to announce that the Student Voice representatives for Year 2 are Damarion and Ella. We are sure they will represent our class well and we are all thinking of ideas and ways to improve our school, so that we can pass this on to them!

Well done to all of you!

-Miss Tossell

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3 Responses to Year 2 Leaders

  1. enges says:

    good luck to our greenside leaders.

    by sofia

  2. khany says:

    I am going to post something on our blog

  3. khany says:

    I have blogged my picture .I am very happy if it goes on the blog.
    By yumna

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